The WordPress Studio Framework (WPSF) can be used alongside the Code Studio plugin to create some amazingly interactive AND powerful WordPress shortcodes. This will be one of those "duct-tape" sessions, but once the session ends, all participants will have a really powerful tool at their disposal when building custom websites with WordPress.
Designing an FAQ Section from Scratch
In this "WP Out Loud" webinar, we will be using Pods, Code Studio, and Loop Studio to create a fully functional FAQ section for our site. This will be built from scratch and include the backend development, theme implementation, and design customization. Rather than installing a plugin, learn how to create the elements with tools you already have at your disposal.
Creative Coding with Code Studio
Code Studio is a powerful tool that allows for custom insertion of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The plugin also has the capability to create custom shortcodes with advanced options. During this webinar, we will be pushing the bounds of the Code Studio plugin in order to deliver some unique and creative solutions.
April 10th - Weekend Code Overview
Over the weekend I pushed out a number of updates for Beaver Studio, Code Studio, and the Voce Theme. This 28 minute walk-through video provides a quick summary of the changes as well as a basic "how-to" on using the new features.
PluginStudio - Using the Code Studio plugin
Having a simple way to add custom CSS, JS, and more to a WordPress site never seems to do "exactly" what most developers want out of a plugin. I have focused this plugin to have the ability to create both site-wide CSS and Javascript manageable within an actual editor as well as post-specific. This release of Code Studio also has the ability to handle LESS. This fourth plugin release for WPStudio members will accomplish this task.