Typography to the Max

Understanding web-based typography and all of the different techniques of customizing the look and feel of content can expand the capabilities of your web development/design business. In this session we will start with a plain block of text and create a beautiful presentation display.

Foundational CSS

Come learn the foundational blocks of CSS from which all other CSS training will grow. The focus will be on all the different selectors and relationships as well as measurable units. Topics covered include basic selectors, combinators, attribute selectors, pseudo-class selectors, pseudo-element selectors, and more.

PluginStudio - Using the Code Studio plugin

Having a simple way to add custom CSS, JS, and more to a WordPress site never seems to do "exactly" what most developers want out of a plugin. I have focused this plugin to have the ability to create both site-wide CSS and Javascript manageable within an actual editor as well as post-specific. This release of Code Studio also has the ability to handle LESS.  This fourth plugin release for WPStudio members will accomplish this task.

Building Your Own Modal System

Having the ability to have interactive modal windows can raise the interaction factor of a website. In this webinar we will start from scratch with some HTML and CSS and then implement some basic jQuery to bring interactivity to the code.

Ins and Outs of Styling Form Fields

Too often, "form styling tutorials" focus on tools that give simple ways of styling the entire form area. This webinar is going to dive deeper into the CSS elements that can be targeted so you can better style individual elements of a form.