Some WordPress users are fine with the new Block Editor, other users want nothing to do with the new system. Whether you (or your clients) are in either camp, there are times when you MUST have the old editor (or vice versa) for custom solutions you are building. During this webinar, we will look at how to accomplish this solution.
Build Your Own WordPress Block
Now that the Gutenberg/Block Editor is taking center stage within WordPress, it is important to know how to use the new editor to benefit your clients. In this webinar, we will be building solutions without the need for everyone to go out and learn massive amounts of Javascript to accomplish little solutions.
Preparing for Gutenberg
Gutenberg is the "next big thing" with WordPress. But how much is it going to disrupt your clients? In this overview and solutions webinar, I look at elements that will cause your clients to pull their hair out. But we also look at how to retain the Classic Editor for your clients as well as block future Gutenberg nag screens.
Building Gutenberg Blocks - Part 1: Boilerplates
With Gutenberg on the horizon for WordPress, it is a good idea to start providing some basic customization skills in preparation for the future. In this first of three webinars, we will look at every aspect of creating a custom Gutenberg block that can be used as a "boilerplate" content system for clients. (Basic knowledge of Javascript will be helpful.)
Building Gutenberg Blocks - Part 2: Modified Content
With Gutenberg on the horizon for WordPress, it is a good idea to start providing some basic customization skills in preparation for the future. In this second of three webinars, we will be looking at how to build a block that has content that is editable and customizable by the client/user.
Building Gutenberg Blocks - Part 3: Custom Styling
With Gutenberg on the horizon for WordPress, it is a good idea to start providing some basic customization skills in preparation for the future. In this third of three webinars, we will build custom Gutenberg blocks that extend the prior two sessions and add in the ability for settings panels and custom stylings.
Understanding Gutenberg and sorting through the rumors
During this last-minute webinar, I will be talking about the future of WordPress with Gutenberg. I'll be trying to dispell many of the rumors out there and attempt to explain where the core devs are trying to take WordPress. This session will be a precursor for some of the things we will be discussing during the WordPress Developer Camp later this month.