During this webinar we will dive into the concept of responsive images and CSS. The majority of today’s websites are responsive. And if you need to center and align image on those site, you need to learn how to make images fluid or responsive with CSS.
Lazy Loading without a plugin - WP Speed Series
Every tiny slice of time you can combine to serve up a faster WordPress site is always going to help both your user satisfaction as well as the search engine optimization rankings. During this webinar, we will look at methods of lazy loading (loading behind the scenes) without having to add another plugin to your websites.
Are You Serving the Right Image?
In a world where web developers have to serve up multiple images based on the device used to access the site... do you know if you are serving ONLY the image you need or are you unknowingly slowing down your site by loading multiple images when only one image is needed? Come learn how to fix this situation for your WordPress sites.