Getting Started with CyberPanel
HELP!! Fixing 500 Server Errors
Even though WordPress has made great strides in preventing errors from crashing/bringing down websites, there is still the dreaded 500 Server Error that can cause developers to lose all their hair. During this webinar, we will attempt to provide useful solutions and steps to take if this ever happens to you.
Harnessing the Power of Cloudflare
The free service level at Cloudflare provides many ways to speed up and protect your website. But setting it up might take some work if you are not sure which options to choose. This webinar will walk through setting up limited DDos protection, fast global CDN, and even three page rules to help leverage Cloudflare for your WordPress site.
Taking Control of Your Hosting
For many freelancers, the cost of hosting keeps rising and rising and many of the "added benefits" are never taken advantage of during the course of the month. This webinar will present an alternative to the high priced hosting while still maintaining control and management of your hosting. Using the combination of ServerPilot and Digital Ocean can drop many hosting/management costs in half... and for many freelancers that is almost as much as finding a new client. During this webinar, we will also be discussing the pros and cons as well as the workflow involved.
Client Side vs Server Side
Every freelancer needs to understand exactly what is happening on the server side of things and what is happening on the client side. This will assist in your development process as well as assist in diagnosing issues when a client says... "This XYZ is happening on my site... can you fix it?"