Embedding a Google Analytics panel in WordPress

Embedding a Google Analytics panel in WordPress

Google Analytics offers the ability for users to create custom panels that can then be fed out to other locations. In this webinar, we will look at how to create custom panels and then how to import those custom panels into the WordPress dashboard for clients.

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Webinar Originally Broadcast: September 8, 2024

Video Download: HD Download | Mobile Download

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Code samples from the webinar

add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'custom_client_dash');
function custom_client_dash(){
	wp_add_dashboard_widget('clientdashupdate', 'Special Stats for Client', 'clientdashfunc');

function clientdashfunc(){
	//$country = wp_remote_get('https://demo.piwik.org/index.php?module=API&method=UserCountry.getCountry&format=JSON&idSite=3&period=day&date=yesterday&expanded=1&token_auth=anonymous&filter_limit=5');
	//$country = wp_remote_get('https://demo.piwik.org/index.php?module=API&method=UserCountry.getCountry&format=JSON&idSite=3&period=month&date=2016-12-31&expanded=1&filter_limit=10');
	$country = wp_remote_get('https://demo.piwik.org/index.php?module=API&method=Referrers.getKeywords&format=JSON&idSite=3&period=year&date=2017-09-12&expanded=1');
	$country_extract = wp_remote_retrieve_body($country);
	$countrynow = json_decode($country_extract, true);
	echo 'Stats';
	foreach($countrynow as $stat){
		if ($stat["label"] == 'Keyword not defined'){
		echo 'Direct entry from browser -- '.$stat["nb_visits"].' visitors.
'; } else { echo $stat["label"]. ' -- ' .$stat["nb_visits"].' visitors.
'; } } echo '
'.print_r($countrynow, true).'


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