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    What is your main development computer operating system that you use for working with your clients?


    Windows. (It was Linux several years ago, and if Windows 10 keeps upsetting me, I may go back to Linux.)


    I realized I asked the question but I forgot to mention that I use mainly Chrome OS (but that also means I'm running a Linux container on the inside for a few of the additional applications I need to run). I'm comfortable with Windows and Macs but I currently don't own any.


    macOS 10.14 Mojave on a Mac-mini - with lots of pixels to spread things out (screen 1: 28" 1920x1200, 2: 32" 2560X1440, 3: 28" 1920X1200).

    Coding: Sublime Text for web stuff, VSCode for app development (has better support for Vue3, Rust/Tauri).


    Mostly MacOS Mojave for work work and some iOS and ChromeOS for working within WordPress UI or iWP. I tried to get into Windows for a bit but alas it’s still just not my thing.

    I may finally update to MacOS Big Sur over the summer, skipped Catalina completely and may just stick with Mojave for awhile longer.

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