Quality Plugins - gAppointments for Gravity Forms

In this new series at WPStudio, we are going to be looking and experimenting with a number of 'lesser-known' WordPress plugins. The gAppointments addon plugin for Gravity Forms allows you to run an entire booking solution on top of Gravity Forms. Keep everything in-house for your clients (or your sites) and control the entire experience.

Building a New Client Communication Plugin

In past training events, I've taught how to build a tool to communicate directly with clients' WordPress dashboards. In this webinar, we will be building a new and improved communication plugin that has built-in self-caching capabilities and is based on Javascript.

Building a Featured News plugin for Clients

In this extended webinar, we will be building a custom post type to manage news updates from a client. We will then take the custom post type information and provide a front-end solution for displaying an interactive news feed on the front page of a WordPress site.

Filtering when a Plugin Loads

The problem some plugins present with WordPress sites is that they tend to stay "loaded" on every single page... even though we may not need them to be active on all the pages. In this webinar, we will look at a few tools and plugins that can help control when and where a plugin is "active". This is an essential optimization tip you may want to take advantage of for your clients.

Plugins-in-Action: Polylang

In this insta-webinar, we looked at how to setup and get started using the Polylang WordPress plugin. The simplicity of selecting the languages you need, translating content as you have time and/or resources, and setting a widget to allow users the select the proper language does make it easier for anyone to start building a multi-lingual website for clients.

Plugins-in-Action: TablePress

TablePress is a free WordPress plugin that enables you to create and manage tables on your site. No HTML knowledge is required, as a comfortable interface allows to easily edit table data. Tables can contain any type of data, even formulas that will be evaluated. An additional JavaScript library can be used to add features like sorting, pagination, filtering, and more for site visitors. We will also be looking at the donation-ware addons/extensions that can enable responsiveness and more.